Sunday, March 6, 2011

"An honest confession is good for the soul, but bad for the reputation"

Coming this Tuesday, I will post my brief (well, not too brief for a blog) thoughts on Saint Augustine's Confessions.
My soul has been greatly stirred by this read, as well as by my reading of Thomas A'Kempis' The Imitation of Christ, which I will post on just a few days after. These were assigned, but have been of great value to me.
I intend to be as honest and as transparent as possible, as I have always sought to be.

"The Burden of the world weighed me down with a sweet drowsiness such as commonly occurs during sleep...Though at every point you showed that what you were saying was true, yet I, convinced by that truth, had no answer to give you except merely slow and sleepy words: 'At once' - 'But presently' - 'Just a little longer, please'. But 'At once, at once', never came to the point of decision, and 'Just a little longer, please',  went on and on for a long while."

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